All species illustrated in this website are
referenced by Rios, E.C./1994. Where other publications were used, it
is referenced in the species description page.
- Beesley, P.L.,
Ross, G.J.B. & Wells, A.(eds)(1998). "Molusca: The Southern Synthesis
Fauna of Australia" Vol.5 CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne, Part A XVI 563
pp. Part B VIII 565 - 1234 pp.
- Cate, Crawford
Neill - "A Review of the Triviidae";(10)1979
- Coan,E. V.;Scott,
P.V.& Bernard, F.R. - "Bivalve Seashells of Western North America";
SBMNH; 2000
- Keen, A.Myra
- "Sea Shells of Tropical West America";2nd E.,1992
- Kreipl, K.&
Alf, A. - "Recent Xenophoridae"; 1999
- Moscatelli, R. - "The Superfamily Strombacea
from Western Atlantic"; 1987
- Oliveira,
M.P & Oliveira, M.H.R. - "Dicionário Conquilio Malacológico;
UFJF", 1974
- Pilsbry, Henry A. - "Manual of Conchology";
- Rios, E.C.
- "Seashells of Brasil"; 2.ed.- Rio Grande: FURG, 1994 - 492p.
- Vaught, K.C.
- "A Classification of the living Molusca"; 1989